Monday, May 26, 2008

My killer App

The topic of convergence culture seems to be dominated by the iPhone. Apple's Steve Jobs says that it is the future so i thought i would try and figure out whether the iPhone or a similar mobile/internet device will be relevent to my future, what killer apps will make it easier for me to part with my money...

1) starting with the basic mobile function, If I do end up in PR I imagine i will be feilding alot of phone calls back and forth with clients, the media and colleagues. Blue tooth capability will probably come in handy so i can wear one of those snazzy ear pieces while my i use my hands to do a million other things at once! (except drive.. of course.....)
N.B. I like the idea that someone bought up in class about having two seperate numbers so that once it hits 7 any calls to the work number will be directed to my voicemail

2) The internet is the next BIG thing, like liv was saying we dont really notice how much we use the net until it craps out on us conveinently when we need it the most!!...being able to check my emails without being restricted to a bulky laptop or desktop is key, Also as Im from auckland the city of traffic and increasing petrol prices i could find myself on dare i say it a BUS to work and the ability to download tv programmes to keep me entertained would be a benefit (so i dont have to you know... socialize)
Plus if I am driving around half the city or even the country built in maps or GPS will also be an advantage
- of course there would then be need for a more reliable network and imporved interface from what we have now (i Phone achieves this well)

3) back to my bulky comment thsi be all end all communications device will have to be lightweight thanks to permanent damage to my shoulders from my ancient laptop but in saying that it still needs a big enough screen for when my eyesight enevitably fails!

4) finally it needs to be easy to use with straight forward navigation symbols and and a help menu of call centre (although we all know how unaffective these can be especially telecom!)

OH!! and it needs to be durable Im one of those people that cant stray to those sexy motorola flip tops or well anything that isnt Nokia .. because i drop my phones.. ALOT.. a back up solar battery could also be helpful when you just need that little extra beofre you can reach your charger..

Fingers crossed that by the time I need and can afford one of these type of devices all the kinks will be ironed out.. one is allowed to dream right?

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