Monday, May 26, 2008

Final Farewell

Well, this is my last blog a bit sad really isnt it! Did we end up forming a community? well not quite but a damn good network and some awesome revision notes to read through!! anyways onto the task at hand!


As there was only Myself, Kat and Eugene actually in the seminar on the thursday i thought i would help you all out and share what we were discussing, well as much as i can remember!

So in the lecture we were talking about RFID implants and there different uses as a 'tagging' type system which could store things like medical history and of course the great Starbucks example where human interaction becomes minimal (a future that would mean I'm too busy to order a meal or swipe my eftpos card is a scary one).
This example became so ingrained in my head that i actually ended up having a dream that night where i walked into a shop and was looking at a dress and they instantly took the money out of my credit card (stored on my RFID chip) without me asking I didn't even want it!! and no i didn't make this up as sad as it may be I actually dreamt it! Thanks to Erika it seems I'm subconsciously harbouring a fear of the cybotic future!

Anyways back to the seminar... we discussed that the thought of an actual implant wasn't really up our ally so we settled on an ID type card that would store this information.. but which information were we happy to share?

Firstly we decided (after Eugene suggested it) that we should have two different accounts on the card kinda like a cheque and a savings,
One would have information like loyalty programme, Drivers license details incl WOF and Registration, doner details, Next of Kin, bus pass, train pass etc
The other would contain medical history, address information, email address, phone number- more personal things that you dont want everyone to read

there would be an access pin for each account

You may notcie that bank account details are not on either account, this is because we felt the security risk was too large and we would feel more comfortable having that on a separate card altogether, this may have been thanks to my dream scare!

we also thought that there would need to be a dormant GPS system that could be activated if you were lost or lost your card- which you could then call a number and have the card wiped if neccessary

Our main concerns about the future of the RFID chips was security factors that thought of having your life sandwiched within a piece of plastic is a very scary thought for me, it feels like we would be even more open to identity theft. Also the problem of what do you do if you loose the card we all know what a pain it is to replace a drivers licene etcc..

unfortunatly this may be a fear i have to overcome as according to Porush's Law if this is the way technology is going to go theres no way i can opt out ill just have to go with it!

well guys i guess this is it for now its been an awesome experiment and best of luck with exams!!

Dana :)

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