Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Pink Elephants

Until i took this course I have never really seen much about these second life type of virtual games.. now though the stories keep seeming to find me, first it was a few trashy magazine articles.. you know those "real life" i married my lover online before we even meet.. and today as i was studying hard i happened to turn on Dr Phil to see that even he was addressing this issue with a 14 yr old girl who was being sucked into a second life type game. Her mother got worried when her scantily dressed avatar was kissing a boy in her virtual bed. Dr Phil being the fantastic psychiartrist that he is quickly told her to "get real" pun intended.

anyways as i have said in other blogs I find this world of avatars really facinating so i thought i would go and try my hand at making an avatar Thats her on the left yes thats right she is wearing the famous Bjork swan dress (i couldnt resist), I'll admit it was alot of fun took me back to years if dressing up barbies and what not.. i have already started to see how addictive they can get. I sat down thinking i could whip up a quick little picture slap it on my page and that would be it. How wrong could I be first i had to pick which kind of avater i wanted.. whch face shape.. eye shape and colour hairstyle and colour, body shape, makeup and finally a dress.. next thing you know an hour or so of my life is *poof* gone, i still have no idea what my flatmates were laughing about...
So now i have some idea of how addictive it can get and that was only the creation stage, but i still stick by the fact that i dont think i could ever get sucked into a virtual world enough to spend every waking minute there.. well to be safe im not going to try!

Augmented Reality Games if your like me and had a hard time getting your head around them follow the link it should (fingers crossed) take you to a video of a demonstration of how the augmented reality game work, its really interesting and well ...really very cool even makes me want to have a go and watch another couple of hours dissapear before my eyes.


erika said...

I love the avatar- and thanks for the video link :)

There is a joke in Second Life that you have to play for 12 hrs: if you're still there after 12 hrs, you're hooked. Sounds like you might not even need that!

Lucy said...

I was just leaving out the door of my flat the other day, and could hear my flatmate watching Dr Phil or Oprah, and YIP it was all about second-life addictions. It does seem to be a pretty hot topic! I still haven't felt the need to go play in it, but your 'avatar' looks super fun, i might just have to go and have a look now!

theshiftbutton said...

hmmm, indeed that does look like fun! But a little bit weird! I always look at those stupid pictures of weird looking virtual people and always wanted to curb my interest but I always thought that they were just viruses waiting to plaque my comp..
Might have to try one thou!
Kewl read, was both funny and enjoyable.
