Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Virtual Communities

I think the great thing about this weeks topic was that for most of us its made us a take a step back and look at our own online behaviour. Because all or atleast most of us are plugged into one of the many networking sites it makes it easier to understand the topic as we have something to relate it back to. Also if your like me and have been in Erikas classroom before, this week would have been a nice refresher and an oppertunity to feel good about yourself for actually knowing something!!
The thing i find interesting is that during our seminar the consensus seemed to be that we are all security conscious and like to think that we only divulge personal information to our close friends because we know the dangers in talking to complete strangers who may not be who they say they are. Then how do some people get so caught up in their online lives that they could go as far as to marry some one they have never meet online before meeting them and moving in (i recently saw an article about a couple who did exactly that in a womens day or something). If you look at the second video on my "video bar" it is an introduction to the online community Second Life If you were in Erika's 201 coms class you will know about it if not take a look. It makes you think again about the question of whether or not offline communities could be replaced by online ones. there must be something about it if even Harvard has classes there with open debates and Duran Duran has concerts... For me this is a scary thought yes the internet is becoming vastly important to our everyday lives but to actually live your life in a n online world and even buying land and houses with real money... well its yet to convince me. (That wedding kiss would be quite as special) It is however realy interesting and well cool to look at...anyways im getting really off track
Ill be sure to come back to second life when we go over avatars, as you can tel I am quite fascinated with them


erika said...

This was a really interesting post (does doing my COMS201 give you that much of an advantage?) - love that you're using the functions of the blog to bring in video and stuff.

If you're interested in avatars, you might be interested in a research project we've just started planning in collaboration with a few US SL specialists. There are so many questions about how avatars will be used, its an area begging for further research :) (*cough* honours project *cough*)

Alina said...

yes, i too have seen some articles on getting married online and stuff like that....This makes me realise that yes, internet is becoming a part of our lives and yes, some people do use internet a lost, and have "virtual identities" and they're really into it,but what people?...
probably most of the ones who spend their time "getting married online" are the unfortunate ones who either are handicaped or just look ugly...and i don't tend to be mean here. But don't you think that's the case? I don't actually think that virtual "identities" will replace the "real life" ones. it is more likely the case that virtual identities complement real life identities rather than replacing them....don't you think?

danalumsden said...

To just rebutt a little something Alina said, Im not one to really get mad and dont take this personally but i think it was very harsh to comment about handicapped people as if the are not capable of finding someone in real life.. i know what your getting at about the kind of people that go on these online worlds and yes i would say i would percieve them (online gamers or second lifers) as being a little socially impaired or different. I dunno it jst really rubbed me the wrong way your inclusion of "handicapped" people like they are rejects of society, ive always been taught that its people first disability second maybe you should consider re wording your comment.
